God’s love knows no barriers.

St. Pascal’s...where all people matter.


Homily videos are recorded at the

10:30 AM Sunday Mass (with ASL).

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Mass Times


Whether you are visiting, looking for a parish home, or a long-time parishioner it’s great to have you with us. Whatever your life circumstances, wherever you have been or whatever has happened in your life, you are welcome here. Can't make it to Mass? Join us via Live Stream.

Livestream Mass

Weekday Masses

Tuesday | 8:00 AM

Wednesday   9:30 AM (w/SPRCS)

Thursday | 8:00 AM

Friday | 8:00 AM

Weekend Masses

Saturday | 4:30 PM

Sunday | 8:45 & 10:30 AM

10:30 is ASL interpreted



Saturday | 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM

or contact Fr. John to schedule a Reconciliation session.

The Reconciliation Room is located off of the St. John's Chapel.

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday   9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Parish Calendar

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funeral livestreams

In Christ we live forever.

Joan Randall

Tuesday, March 4 at 10:30 AM

Funeral Mass Playlist
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