Kathy Humiston and Jim Reisdorf fulfill the civil requirements of the corporation of the Church of St. Pascal Baylon.
An advisory council to the Pastor regarding the mission and goals of the parish.
An advisory council to the Pastor regarding sound management of the temporal goods of the parish.
Background: During 2021-22, the Parish Pastoral Council updated the Strategic Plan that was created by the Parish Council in 2016 and then updated in 2020. The title of the updated Strategic Plan is “A Road Map for 2024”.
What’s next? In the coming weeks, a series of bulletin inserts, along with updates in the Pascal's Pulse e-newsletter, will present the focus areas of the Strategic Plan. The full 10-page document can be found the kiosk in the Gathering Space and also as a PDF below.
What are we asking you to do? Please read the Strategic Plan and discuss it with other parishioners and the committees where you serve in our parish. We ask our parish committees and staff members to read the Plan and discuss ways it can be incorporated into their ministry areas.
A Road Map for 2024: Strategic Plan