Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is an advisory council to the Pastor regarding the mission and goals of the parish.

2024-2025 Pastoral Council Members

Bill Brino, Jacquelyn Bush (Vice Chair), Ann Karner, John Muggee, Mark Padellford, John Scanlon, Diane Schroepfer, Cindy Spangler, Patrick Stuhl, Bill Trcka, Vicky Westenhofer, Anne Weyandt and Vic Wittgenstein. 

If you have questions or a topic for the Pastoral Council to discuss, please email Be sure to write "Pastoral Council" in the subject line.

Our Mission, Vision and Values

(Adopted by the Parish Pastoral Council in June 2016)

MISSION statement

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Community of St. Pascal Baylon follows the mandate of Jesus Christ to proclaim and work to bring about the Kingdom of God in the East Metro area. We accomplish this by celebrating prayerful liturgy and providing faith formation for all ages. We enrich our community through hospitality and pastoral care. We respect the God-given dignity of everyone by welcoming their gifts and talents and working for social justice.

VISION Statement

St. Pascal Baylon Catholic Church is a parish attuned to the needs, hopes and dreams of our parishioners and neighbors and possessed of the resources to respond to them.


As a Catholic community we value:

  1. Liturgical celebrations that draw us into prayer and reflection and which inspire us to reach beyond our walls.
  2. A universally welcoming community offering hospitality to all.
  3. Life-long faith formation that fosters a sense of responsibility, gratitude, and mission.
  4. The dignity of all persons by focusing on social justice and acts of charity.
  5. Competent, progressive leadership that will draw out and welcome the gifts and talents of the entire community.

Parish Pastoral Council Updates

Updates for the most recent meetings are below. Updates for past meetings will be available shortly.

If you have questions or a topic for the Council to discuss, please contact the parish office (651.774.1585).

February 4, 2025
  • Father John reported that the parish plans to conclude the land sale of Ryan Field to Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative in May.
  • Beacon plans to invite the neighbors and church community to a meeting in Brioschi Hall in March to share information about their plans to develop the Ryan Field property. More details about the date and time of the community meeting are forthcoming.
  • The Parish Council discussed ideas for growing the welcoming atmosphere at St. Pascal’s during Fellowship Weekends during coffee and donuts and at other times.

Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees:

  • Parish Activities Committee—Game Night went well on January 24 and attention is now focused on planning for Spring Family Fiesta on May 17
  • Liturgy/Choir—rehearsals of Lent music is underway
  • Adult Faith Formation—discussed possibilities for a 2025 Advent Day of Reflection, a 2026 Lent Day of Reflection, and a 2026 Parish Retreat/Mission
  • Archdiocesan Synod Implementation—new and existing small groups will meet during Lent; a parish Seder Meal is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 after 4:30 PM Mass
  • Social Justice and Caring Committee—planning to share information about their ministry and invite people to join their activities on Fellowship Weekend, February 15-16,
  • Women’s Club—planning for the Bake Sales during Lent Fish Fry Dinners; gearing up to sponsor the jigsaw puzzle exchange on February 15-16 and 22-23
  • Men’s Club—preparing for Lent Fish Fry dinners.
  • The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council is March 4, 2025.

January 5, 2025
  • Father John reported that the land sale of Ryan Field to Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative is moving forward. We hope to conclude the sale in the month of May.
  • Parish Financials and Facilities: Parish income from Sunday collections and year-end giving was very good in December. We received a rebate of $14,000.00 from the purchase and installation of the new boiler.

Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: 

  • Parish Activities Committee—making plans for Family Game Night on January 24
  • Liturgy/Choir—several music ministers are doing double or triple duty during our Christmas Season liturgies.
  • Adult Faith Formation—will meet next week and coordinate events with the Synod implementation activities
  • Archdiocesan Synod Implementation—preparing to invite new people to join small groups for Lent and will be providing discussion materials for existing small groups during Lent; planning a Seder Meal for the parish on Saturday, April 12 after 4:30pm Mass
  • Social Justice and Caring Committee—Donation Closet collection items during February are for Listening House
  • Women’s Club—Christmas Brunch well attended with over 100 women, and the Bake Sale Weekend during December went well; gearing up to sponsor Jigsaw Puzzle exchange during February
  • Men’s Club—will be evaluating Christmas tree sales; making preparations for Lent Fish Fry dinners. Next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council: February 4, 2025. 

December 3, 2024
  • Father John gave an update on the proposed land sale of Ryan Field to Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative for the construction of affordable housing on the Ryan Field property. We are awaiting the vote of the St. Paul City Council on the church’s application for re-zoning of the property for sale. The next City Council meetings are scheduled for December 4 and 11.
  • Parish Financials and Facilities: Parish income from Sunday collections was behind budget for October, but there is hope for stronger giving in November, December and the end-of-year. The new boiler is up and running. We are seeing cost savings already in comparison to last year when our monthly natural gas bills were more expensive. Due to the higher efficiency of the new boiler versus the old boiler, we are saving money.

Updates by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: 

  • Parish Activities Committee—making plans for Family Game Night (January 24)
  • Liturgy/Choir—gearing up and practicing for Christmas Season
  • Adult Faith Formation—working with Synod activities here and in Archdiocese
  • Archdiocesan Synod Implementation—had a good tour of St. Paul Cathedral for St. Pascal’s parishioners on November 21, small groups are wrapping up for Fall, and we are making plans to continue small groups in 2025
  • Social Justice and Caring Committee—Merrick Food Distribution once a month here is going well
  • Women’s Club—getting ready for the Women’s Club Christmas Brunch on December 7 and the Bake Sale Weekend on December 14-15
  • Men’s Club—busy with Christmas Tree Lot where sales are going well this first week; making plans for Lenten Fish Fry dinners
  • Next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council: January 7, 2025
October 1, 2024
  • Emily Goldthwaite from Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative gave an update on the Aragon which will be an affordable housing development on the Ryan Field land that the Parish is planning to sell to Beacon. Approximately 20% of the Aragon’s 53 apartments will be affordable to individuals with incomes below $25,000 annually, and the remaining apartments will be affordable to households with incomes below $70,000 annually for a family of four. Beacon is working through the process of the City of St. Paul for zoning and site approval. 
  • Parish Financials and Facilities: The Fall Festival was vibrant and enjoyable, and financial totals will be coming soon. The installation of the new boiler is nearly complete, and the start up date is planned for October 23. 
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: Parish Activities Committee, Liturgy/Choir, Adult Faith Formation, Archdiocesan Synod Implementation, Social Justice and Caring Committee, Women’s Club, and Men’s Club. 
  • Next meeting: December 3, 2024.

September 3, 2024
  • Updates were given on the following topics: the sale of Ryan Field to Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, the installation of three cabinets in the coat rack area of the Gathering Space, the new hymnal fundraising project, ministry recruiting by Men’s Club and Women’s Club at the upcoming Fellowship Weekend on September 14-15, and a discussion of a process for evaluation of goals and values from A Roadmap for 2024: A Strategic Plan for St. Pascal Baylon Catholic Church.
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: Parish Activities Committee, Liturgy/Choir, Adult Faith Formation, Archdiocesan Synod Update, Social Justice and Caring Committee, Women’s Club, and Men’s Club.
  • Update on parish financials and facilities: Fiscal year 2023-24 has concluded. The new boiler has been moved into the building and set in place, and the installation work has begun. 
  • Next meeting: October 1, 2024. 

July and August 2024

The Pastoral Council did not meet in July and August.

June 4, 2024
  • Ryan Field update: An announcement to be made by Father John at all Masses on June 8-9 about the identity of the interested buyer and their intended use of the land. The sale of the land will likely not be finalized until Autumn.
  • The Men’s Club and Women’s Club have asked about moving their honorary plaques from the Founder’s Room to Brioschi Hall to have more visibility for the plaques. Council members were in favor of the move. 
  • St. Pascal Regional Catholic School (tenant) received permission from the Parish (landlord) to change, at the School’s cost, one of the preschool classrooms into an early child education classroom for two year-olds. Three large cabinets from the classroom will be moved to the coatrack area by the Gathering Space restrooms for use as auxiliary storage for Donation Closet items. Council members were in favor of the move. 
  • Discussion of plans to acknowledge and thank volunteers from one or two ministry groups each month on Fellowship Weekends beginning in the Autumn. The ministry groups will share information about their ministry and invite volunteers to sign up. Groups will rotate each month and eventually cover all parish ministry groups.
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: Parish Activities Committee, Liturgy/Choir, Adult Faith Formation, Archdiocesan Synod Update, Social Justice and Caring Committee, Women’s Club, and Men’s Club.
  • Parish Financials and Facilities: Budgeting work for fiscal year 2024-25 is in process. The new boiler agreement with Gilbert Mechanical was signed this week. Installation work of the boiler will happen during the Summer.
  • Next meeting: September 3, 2024.

May 7, 2024
  • Ryan Field update: The interested buyer is conducting their due diligence steps in regards to the property. These steps will continue until at least the Autumn.
  • Fund-A-Need for New Boiler: We have reached our fundraising goal to purchase the new boiler. Father John made the happy announcement at the weekend Masses on May 4-5. We will arrange the installation schedule with Gilbert Mechanical, the chosen vendor for the new boiler 
  • Discussion of ideas for having a regular rotation of two or three parish ministry groups at fellowship weekends to share information about their ministry and invite volunteers to sign up. 
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: Parish Activities Committee, Liturgy/Choir, Adult Faith Formation, Archdiocesan Synod Update, Social Justice and Caring Committee, Women’s Club, and Men’s Club.
  • Parish Financials and Facilities: New mulch has been spread on the landscape and garden areas around the church and looks great. The parish is maintaining a good cash balance. Generosity from parishioners for the operating budget and the boiler project is humbling and much appreciated. We are blessed. 
  • Next meeting: June 4, 2024.

April 2, 2024
  • Ryan Field update: The interested buyer is conducting their due diligence steps in regards to the property. These steps will continue until at least the Autumn.
  • Boiler project: The parish received three bids for a new boiler. The Finance Council made a recommendation at their meeting in March to accept the bid from Gilbert Mechanical. The dollar goal for our fundraising effort for the new boiler will be announced through an April 6-7 pulpit announcement and an all parishioner mailing. This will be the second year in a row that the Fund-a-Need project is the new boiler.
  • The parish staff has been in contact with the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD) about the idea of installing a rain garden on the southeast corner of our parish campus (Conway Street and White Bear Avenue). We would proceed with the project if it was entirely funded by a stewardship grant awarded through the RWMWD to fund property improvements that benefit water quality and natural resources. The garden would have a similar appearance as our existing rain garden on the corner of Flandrau Street and Third Street that RWMWD installed in 2022. Council members were favorable to the idea of the new rain garden and encouraged parish staff to continue the discussion with RWMWD.
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: Fish fry dinners during Lent went very well (Men’s Club); bake sales during the Fish fry dinners went very well, too (Women’s Club); Lent small groups have completed their meetings, and the our planning team is gathering feedback from participants on the experience; some small groups may continue their meetings during the Easter season (Archdiocesan Synod); updates were given regarding efforts at the State capitol to support access to affordable housing (Social Justice and Caring Committee).
  • The parish is maintaining a good cash balance, and expenses are very close to budgeted amounts. Generosity from parishioners is noticed and appreciated.
  • Next meeting: May 7, 2024.

March 5, 2024
  • The parish received communication from an interested buyer who wishes to purchase a portion of Ryan Field. Our real estate broker, Cushman and Wakefield, is in communication with the interested buyer. The interested buyer would develop the land in a way that aligns with our parish mission, that helps our neighborhood and helps our parish financially. Father John will share this information with the parish in an upcoming pulpit announcement.
  • Ideas for having a ministry fair were discussed; such a fair could happen quarterly and have affiliated ministries present to recruit new volunteers.
  • Members of the Council were asked to consider their intent for continuing their membership on the Council so we can begin recruiting efforts for new Council members for 2024-25.
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees: update on planning for Spring Family Fiesta on April 13 (Parish Activity Committee), preparing for Holy Week (Liturgy), dessert bake sales going well at Lent Fish Fry dinners (Women’s Club), Fish Fry dinners are underway and attendance is increasing as the weeks go forward (Men’s Club), parish Lent small groups are meeting (Archdiocesan Synod), update on the Start at Home initiative at State Capitol, and a bulletin board has been designed outside Brioschi Hall for Food Insecurity Awareness month in March (Social Justice and Caring Committee), and an update was given on parish finances and facilities, and happily there were no major repairs to report.

February 6, 2024
  • Helping Merrick Community Services with some of the monthly cost for providing food at our food distribution on the third Monday of the month
  • Putting on hold the idea of expanding the Donation Closet due to estimated cost
  • Meetings are scheduled in March for Eucharistic Ministers to review procedures for distributing Communion
  • Involvement of Council members at the Welcome Table on Fellowship Weekends and possible outreach to welcome new parishioners
  • Updates were given by Council liaisons from active parish groups and committees including: report on the Mid-Winter game night on January 26 (Parish Activity Committee), preparing for the Annual Puzzle and Game Exchange on two weekends in February (Women’s Club), preparing for Lent Fish Fry dinners (Men’s Club), parish small groups will start meeting during Lent (Archdiocesan Synod), and an update on parish finances and facilities.

January 2, 2024
  • Due to the high volume of usage, the current Donation Closet space is being evaluated for a possible expansion of the available space.
  • Updates from liaisons to active parish groups and committees included: the holiday Bake Sale (Women’s Club), Christmas tree sales (Men’s Club), parish small group invitations during January (Archdiocesan Synod), and plans for Mid-Winter game night on January 26 (Parish Activity Committee).
  • An update was given on parish finances and facilities.

December 5, 2023
  • Council members will be present at the Welcome and Information Table after Masses during Fellowship Weekend on December 17.
  • Archdiocesan Synod volunteers completed the seven-week leader formation series, and parishioners will have an opportunity during January to sign up for a small group that will meet during Lent.
  • Mid-winter family game night is planned for Friday, January 26.
  • All the food contributed by the parish for the monthly food distribution here at our church with Merrick Community Services was shared with families and individuals in need on November 27, and approximately 75 households received food.
  • Updates were given from active parish groups and committees.
  • Updates on parish facilities and finances were given.

June 5, 2023
  • Plans for implementing the Archdiocesan Synod Year 1 goal of starting small groups in our parish
  • Plans to recruit small group leaders during the summer
  • Plans to start small group meetings in Lent 2024
  • Best practices for encouraging and welcoming new parishioners
  • Confirmed continuity of Pastoral Council chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary positions for 2023-24
  • Updates from active parish groups and committees, updates on parish facilities and finances.

May 2, 2023
  • Update and progress regarding the Archdiocesan Synod.
  • Results and feedback from the Friends and Family event on April 22.
  • Involvement of Parish Council members at Fellowship weekends.
  • Updates from active parish groups and committees.
  • Updates on parish facilities and finances.

April 2023

The Pastoral Council did not meet in April in observance of Holy Week and Easter.

March 7, 2023
  • Father John asked the Council if they would like to meet next Fall during his sabbatical absence. Since the Council advises the pastor, and since he will be absent, maybe Council meetings next Fall could have the purpose of information sharing rather than advisory to the pastor. The Council will make a decision about Fall meetings at their April meeting.
  • The Council received updates from the liaisons for the Women’s Club (Carmen Alvarez Poppert), Men’s Club (John Scanlon), Adult Faith Formation (Jaci Bush), Parish Activities Committee (Pat Stuhl), Liturgy and Music (Colleen Cullen) and Social Justice & Caring Committee (Ann Karner).
  • Parish finances were looking good during February, and we have made progress on closing the gap in budgeted income for Sunday giving.
  • The Council heard an update about the water leak on the weekend of March 3, the damaged areas, and the repair work that has begun. The insurance claims process has been smooth and responsive.
  • The Council continued discussing plans for recruiting new Council members for 2023-24. 

February 7, 2023
  • Communion from the cup will resume beginning on Holy Thursday.
  • Free jigsaw puzzle exchange organized by the Women’s Club will take place on February 19.
  • The Men’s Club will offer Fish Fry meals on the Fridays of Lent.
  • A Lenten Parish Mission, “Water, Light and Life” will take place the four Monday evenings of March.
  • Continued discussion of the updating of our Parish Council Constitution and By-laws.
  • Discussion of recruiting new members for the Parish Council for 2023-24.

January 3, 2023
  • Discussion about the finalization of plans for implementation of Archdiocesan Synod and training of Synod Evangelization Team.
  • Sale of the Ryan Field property - our commercial property realtor, Cushman & Wakefield, continues to market the property for sale.
  • 2022 Christmas Mass attendance numbers were very good, and the Council discussed plans for Christmas 2023 Mass scheduling since December 25, 2023 occurs on a Monday.
  • The Council received updates from active Parish groups/committees.
  • The Council continued discussion on updates to the Parish Council By-Laws.

December 6, 2022
  • In Spring, the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District will plant three triumph elm trees in the tree boxes in the center of the parking lot and four pinnacle birch trees in the landscape buffer strip along Third Street.
  • Father John is forming a parish Synod Evangelization Team to discern ways to implement the Archdiocesan Synod pastoral letter in our parish and work in collaboration with the parish council, parish staff and parish leadership groups.
  • The council heard updates from liaisons to the Women’s Club, Men’s Club, Adult Faith Formation Committee, Parish Activities Committee, and the Social Justice and Caring Committee; discussion of updates to the Parish Council By-Laws.

October 4, 2022
  • Update of the Tree Trench/Rain Garden project on the church parking lot.
  • Plans for implementation of the Archdiocesan synod.
  • Plans for the Ryan Field property.
  • Updates from active parish groups and committees.

September 6, 2022
  • Plans for the upcoming Fall Festival on October 9.
  • Plans for implementation of the Archdiocesan synod.
  • Plans for the rollout of the Parish Strategic Plan.

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