Faith Formation for Children and Youth

Faith Formation for Children and Youth

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. PS 127:3

The Catholic Church recognizes that the parents have primary responsibility for the religious education of their children. It is within family life that children learn about God, love for others, share prayer, learn about sacrifice and service, and celebrate sacraments together-including the Sunday Eucharist each week.


Confirmation consists of sessions beginning in the middle of 9th grade and concluding in the winter of 10th grade. Older candidates are also welcome.

Stay tuned for more information for upcoming Confirmation sessions.

Confirmation I Invitation      Confirmation I Registration Form      Confirmation Code of Conduct 

Confirmation Social and Digital Media Permission Form   


Elementary and Middle School

The Faith Formation program geared for public and home-schooled children in grades one through eight is held on Wednesday evenings. Classes meet September through the beginning of May from 6:30 to 7:45 PM. 

Note that there are 3 forms to be completed:


However, as we need to allocate appropriate space for each group, it is essential to have a clear picture of our faith formation numbers sooner rather than later. Fees will not be collected until after August 1.

For more information, or if you have questions or concerns, please contact Kim Roering in the parish office.


Children in grade 2 and older during the 2024-2025 school year are welcome to prepare for and celebrate First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. 

REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE AUGUST 1st! For more information contact Kim Roering in the parish office.

First Eucharist

First Eucharist is celebrated yearly with active, participating parishioners and their families. There are group preparation sessions and a retreat for families with a second grader (or older) preparing for this sacrament. Families will complete a preparation workbook at home. It culminates in the celebration of First Eucharist.

First Reconciliation 

First Reconciliation is celebrated yearly with active, participating parishioners and their families. There are group preparation sessions and a retreat for families with a second grader (or older) preparing for this sacrament. Families will complete a preparation workbook at home for this sacrament. The curriculum for this preparation focuses on healing relationships.

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