Forms, Policies & Updates

Forms, Policies & Updates

General Parish Forms

Membership Form or join online!

Church of St. Pascal Baylon Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We make every effort to protect your personal information.

Our database is managed by Parish Data Systems, an ACS Technologies company. The parish corporation (Church of St. Pascal Baylon) owns and directly manages your giving and personal information. Access to information is given to specific parish staff on a case-by-case basis.

For more information on ACS Technologies’ policies, go to:

The Church Budget Envelope Company handles our giving envelopes. Your name, address, and envelope number are sent to Church Budget twice a year. Those parishioners who wish to opt out of envelopes or give electronically are not on this list.

Our online bank processing company is Vanco Services. All information is encrypted on their website. The church submits a yearly PCI-DSS Compliance audit ensuring proper controls on information. All hard copies of giving information are kept in a locked storage area controlled by a burglar alarm.

All parish mailings are managed by Mailing Solutions in Blaine, MN.  The parish office provides a list to them before each mailing. They do not keep your information on file.

The parish has a Mailchimp account that holds email addresses for both Pascals Pulse and Funeral Notifications. Access is limited to appropriate staff members.

We do not share your information with the Archdiocese, Catholic Services Appeal Foundation, Center for Mission, or other Archdiocesan entities. We share the names and addresses of parishioners (with consent) to the Catholic Spirit for their publication.

Updated February 2024


Audio/Video Recording, Livestreaming, and/or Photography

St. Pascal's Church livestreams weekday and weekend liturgies, seasonal liturgies, funerals (upon request of the family) and many of its special programs and events. Please see the following notice regarding audio/visual recording, livestreaming and/or photography at St. Pascal events.

Notice Regarding Audio/Visual Recording and/or Photography of Services/Events


About our Facility
Parish Office Hours

The parish office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. No evening or weekend hours. Holiday closures as announced.

Building Hours

St. Pascal’s facility opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 9:00 PM.

Winter weather cancellation of events and building closure

The parish office will close and all activities and meetings will be cancelled at the discretion of the pastor or business administrator. Weekday Mass will be offered on weather-related days assuming that the pastor/presider can get to the church and there is someone to unlock the building.

Church Security

We have taken several steps to heighten security on our campus. We have repaired doors and locks and added cameras and alarms to certain areas.

The building closes at 9:00 PM. All evening meetings (with the exception of special parish sponsored events) will be asked to complete their work/ministry and depart by 9:00 PM to ensure the security of our building. We appreciate your cooperation with this.


Conway:   The playground located on Conway Street was funded through St. Paul Neighborhood STAR and is open to the community. The playground and parking lot are monitored by security cameras.

Third Street:   The playground located on the corner of Third Street and White Bear Avenue is not open to the public and is monitored by security cameras.

Brioschi Hall Rentals

The parish facilities are not available for outside groups. 

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