

For further information, or to volunteer for any of the following ministries, please email Keri Mader or call her at 651.774.1585 ext. 127.

Altar Server

Altar Servers are needed to assist the presider and the assembly at each liturgy. This ministry is open to all in the parish grade 5 through adults. New servers are trained each year and update training is provided for specific liturgies of Christmas and Easter seasons. Adults provide server ministry for parish adult funerals. Training for new servers is provided each fall season.

Communion Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are designated to assist the priest presider in the distribution of the Sacrament under the forms of both bread and wine. They also assist with the cleaning and setting up of the Eucharistic vessels and the bread and wine needed for the assigned liturgy. Training is provided and necessary updating is required.

Greeters and Ushers

It is a mission of the Church to recognize Christ in each person. The Greeters are the first people to welcome each person as Christ and they then continue to promote a climate of hospitality of the baptized community to all who enter our doors. Training is required and provided both before and on a continuing basis.

Ushers continue the welcoming presence of the Greeter and directly assist with the celebration of the liturgy in seating people before the liturgy begins and then promoting a climate of liturgical prayer during the celebration. They assist with the collection of our monetary offering, the procession of the Gifts, communion and other processions. They see to the general appearance of the room (books and worship aides) and are alert to people with special needs as well as capably handling other situations which arise. Training is required and provided both before and on a continuing basis.

Lay Prayer Presiders

Lay Prayer Presiders assist in leading morning and evening prayer and vigil prayer services. Training is required and provided.


When the Word is proclaimed in the Church, it is God who speaks to the people, and it is Christ, present in his Word, who proclaims the Gospel. The lector's role is to proclaim the Word of God in the Sacred Scriptures at Sunday and daily liturgies. This ministry is open to teenagers and adults who have celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation. Training and yearly update is provided and necessary to good proclamation.

The petitioner is one who reads through the petitions previous to the liturgy, holds them in their heart as the Word of God is proclaimed. In light of the Word and homily, the petitioner then leads the assembly in exercising their priestly function lifting to God the needs of all human beings. Training and yearly update is provided and necessary to this ministry.

Liturgical Environment & Art

This ministry functions at two levels. A smaller group studies, plans and somewhat designs the seasonal atmosphere of the church, outside and inside. The larger group comes for the specific role of placing the array of banners and flowers enhancing the beauty of our worship space, gathering space and outside area in accord with the liturgical seasons of the Church year. All are welcome to be a part of this ministry.


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