

The liturgy is nobler when the rites are celebrated with singing.

The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value and forms an integral part of the liturgy. Music ministers in their various capacities foster and encourage the active participation of the people in singing. The talents and skills of the St. Pascal Community are called forth to serve in this capacity.


The cantor is particularly responsible for the singing of the psalms and litanies and also leads and animates the people in their work of singing the liturgy. It is important to lead prayerfully and with capable voice quality and enunciation for people to hear and understand the texts. The cantor also encourages the people to greater participation in their role as a singing assembly. Cantors usually minister singly, however, they may be asked to join with another on occasion. Music proficiency is required and ongoing cantor development is provided on a seasonal basis or as needed.


Choirs are a part of the assembly of the faithful but they have a special function. Each choir or instrumentalist(s) serves to enhance the sung prayer of the community and offers occasional meditative or festival works.

  • Adult Choir (SATB - 4 part choir) meets on Wednesday evenings, 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the music room and sings approximately twice per month as well as during the major feasts and seasons of the liturgical year. The repertoire includes a wide variety of styles of music and instrumentation. This choir is open to all in the parish. No audition is required.
  • Music Groups - the Contemporary Ensemble and the Singing Ensemble are small groups who minister approximately every three weeks. Rehearsals are necessary for good music leadership and each group rehearses as required before their scheduled mass.


Instrumentalists who have demonstrated a level of competency and training are invited to step forward on an 'as needed' basis to add to the splendor of the liturgical celebration. A prerequisite meeting with the music minister is necessary to determine competency level.


The pianist accompanies groups and cantors during the liturgy. A level of competency and training is required as well as ongoing liturgical formation.

For further information email Sharon Balcom or call her at 651.774.1585 ext. 126.

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