All volunteers working with children, youth and vulnerable adults need to complete Safe Environment training, a background check and sign a code of conduct. For more information see the Safe Environment page.
Contact Mike Kelleher for information on special building and maintenance projects, or join in with the church cleaners and grounds helpers.
Catechist, Assistant Catechist, Substitute Catechist, Children's Liturgy of the Word Leader, RCIA Leader, RCIA Sponsor, Confirmation Leader, Confirmation Peer-Leader, Support Team, Youth Ministry Leader, Prepare Couple for the engaged, Parish Mission Team Member, Bible Study Co-Facilitator, Small Group Co-facilitator.
Whether it is Sunday morning coffee and donuts, funeral luncheons, or special events like the Fall Festival, St. Pascal Baylon parishioners do enjoy fellowship! Contributions of time and talent are always welcome.
Communion Minister, Lector, Altar Server, Choir, Usher, Greeter, Petitioner, Children's Liturgy of the Word Leader, Music, Instrumentalist, Pianist, Cantor, Lay Prayer Presiders, Liturgical Art and Environment and Liturgical Ministers for funerals.
There are a number of ways to get involved—including the Fall Festival, the Friends & Family Dinner, and assorted events sponsored by the Men's and Women's Clubs.
Become a minister for visiting the sick and homebound (on-going training and support will be provided) or join the prayer shawl ministry. More opprtunities will be opening up!
St. Pascal Baylon parish members have many opportunities to help make the world a better place. Parishioners serve meals at the Ramsey County Family Shelter, deliver Meals on Wheels, provide food to Merrick Community Food Shelf and the Dorothy Day Center by contributions of food and money, save lives by quarterly donations to the Red Cross Bloodmobile here, and clothe the poor by contributions to Joseph's Coat.
Contributions of food and clothing can be made in the Donation Drop-off closet, adjacent to the cloak room off of the Commons. Cash contributions may be dropped in the Sunday collection or sent to the Parish Office.
St. Pascal's Social Justice & Caring Committee works to keep our parishioners informed of current social justice issues and activities. Three times a year, this committee organizes the We Care Campaign, an outreach program to allow parishioners to learn of and contribute to charitable organizations.
Administrative and general service opportunities
Sunday Giving: open, count, record and deposit weekly and special collections.
To learn more about all the great ways you can use your time and talent at St. Pascal's, please email: and include the word "volunteer" in the subject line.